Silently Installing the PowerOLAP Modeler
- You must first create a setup.iss file by running through the installation once. This file will record the selections you are making and will make these same decisions when you run your install silently.
- To create, open the command prompt and navigate to the setup.exe file.
- cd c:\PowerOLAP Installations\v16.0XX (or wherever your setup file is located)
- setup.exe /r
- This will create a file called setup.iss in the C:\Windows directory. Move this file to the same directory as your setup.exe.
- Now that the setup.iss file is created and in the same directory as your setup.exe file we can run the setup silently with the /s parameter. We also need to indicate the location of the setup.iss file with the /f1 flag.
- To run silently, open the command prompt and navigate to the setup.exe file.
- cd c:\PowerOLAP Installations\v16.0XX (or wherever your setup file is located)
- setup.exe /s /f1”c:\PowerOLAP Installations\v16.0XX\setup.iss” (note there is no space between f1 and the “)
- This will run the installation silently
- A separate setup.iss file needs to be created for new installations and upgrades
- The setup.iss file needs to be created from the installation it is meant to emulate.
- For a new installation the /r flag should be run on a machine without PowerOLAP installed
- For an upgrade, the /r flag should be run on a machine with PowerOLAP
- Additional debugging:
- There is another flag, f2 you can use for troubleshooting that will create an installation log for troubleshooting.
- setup.exe /s /f1”c:\PowerOLAP Installations\v16.0XX\setup.iss” /f2”C:\Setup_Logging\Setup.log”
*** Functionality introduced to PowerOLAP Version 16.44