To Register the PowerOLAP Server:
1. Launch the PowerOLAP Service Control Program from the Start Menu.
*Important: You must run/open the application as an administrator. To do this, right click on PowerOLAP Service Control Program icon and select 'Run as administrator' option.*
2. Start the Server. The PowerOLAP Service status must be running to enable you to license the software.
Note: The Server Status must say Running. If Server is not Running, click the Start button.
3. From the PowerOLAP Server Control Program interface, select Edit menu, then Options command.
The Preferences dialog box appears. This dialog box displays the licensing details of the server.
4. Click the License Server button (boxed button in the preceding image, top right). The License Codes window will appear.
5. Enter a valid License ID and password (reference your PowerOLAP licensing document).
6. Click OK.
7. Restart the PowerOLAP Server. You will be prompted to stop and start the server for the license to take effect.
This completes the PowerOLAP® Server software activation.